
Robby Wismeth aka WizzKID

Name: Robby Wismeth

Nickname: The WizzKID

Age: 27

Hometown: Milwaukee/Racine, Wisconsin 

Years Playing Darts: 5 Years

Family: I have a wonderful family consisting of a beautiful daughter Nova, a loving girlfriend Alexis, my cat named phoenix, and cant forget my right hand "man's best friend Diesel". My Father Bill, also known as the Original Wizz has been playing this game as long as I can remember. I also have a broad family of supporting family members including sisters, brothers, cousins, etc. would be too long to include.

Employer: Wisconsin P&P Amusements

Hobbies: Baseball, Hockey, Golf, Bowling, MMA, almost every sport i have competitively played. I also can't leave out that im a huge video game nerd, I went pro at 14 years old in Call of Duty but never made a career out of it since i was just good enough to get there but not good enough to go further. I also love to cook which is a weird hobby for me but also seemed to enjoy it. (Excluding the cleaning up lol)


Numerous placements in bigger state and out of state tourneys like Stupid Juice, Plover, Shark Tank, etc

Multiple Milwaukee City Wins

The bigger Placements i've had would be:

NADO Continental Mens A Singles Champion

NADO Continental Finale 2nd Place

Bullshooter Chicago: 3rd Place and a bunch of top 8 finishes

Wisconsin State 2024 (WAMO):

(2nd Place) Doubles Cricket

(1st Place) Doubles 01

(3rd place) Singles

Iconic Appearances:

I'm all over youtube on USA Darts streams for most of my matches, including my finals matches at stupid juice, My NADO Continental finishes, and my 9 Dart Leg at WAMO 2024

Dart Set up:

My Signature barrel "Atom" made in 2022 by Booyah Darts

L-Style 190 Carbon Locked Shafts

L-Style Fantom Flights (Yellow)

Fit Point Plus Tips (Yellow)

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